Thursday 21 April 2011

Obama is the Marie Antoinette of the 21st century, allegedly

This morning, following my 6.30am Hot Yoga Barre class (no judgment, you wear a bikini all year here) as I drank my morning cup of coffee (what, no tea?), I forgave the BBC for CBS (sacrilege!) and tried to embrace America.

 And then it happened:  " As Obama prepares for his visit to Los Angeles today...".  "Oh shit" I thought, "that's really going to fuck up the traffic."

What have they done to my brain?!  I have been here barely a month and already my number one concern when the President of the United States comes to town is the TRAFFIC?!  This can't be normal; so I checked in with the Hopa.  "Coincidentally, that is exactly what I thought when I read the news re: Obama.  Welcome to your new order of priorities."

Apparently, we are not the only ones:  "Obama is the Marie Antoinette of the 21st century." and other comments...

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